CANECSA - SmileTrain Scholarship

This is the collaborative programme between CANECSA and Smile Train that aims at fostering safety in patients through anaesthesia and critical care medicine education training and research..


Smile Train and the Fellow of College of Anaesthesiologists (FCA) hereafter referred to as ‘Participants’ who wish to dedicate themselves to a full career as Anaesthesiologists in Africa; and have agreed to collaborate in a programme to provide Smile Train scholarships for selected CANECSA trainees wishing to study Anaesthesia and Critical Care in Africa.


The aims of the programme are:

  • To attract, select and support anaesthesiologists at the Fellowship of the College of Anaesthesiologists (FCA) level who wish to dedicate themselves to a full career as Anaesthesia and critical care physicians in Africa.
  • To offer training in hospitals based in CANECSA countries for Anaesthesiologists who demonstrate the greatest potential to become leaders and decision-makers in Anaesthesiology and Critical

The countries whose nationals are eligible for these awards are all CANECSA countries with priority given to trainees from countries without significant Smile Train presence i.e. Democratic Republic of Congo, Eswatini, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

The scholarships will be awarded on merit to trainees from the countries mentioned and taking into
consideration that it is necessary to consider regional balance, representation and equity


Each Smile Train-CANECSA Scholarship award will provide support towards:

  • Annual academic tuition fees; 
  • An annual stipend towards living expenses and access to IT;
  • A travel allowance towards attendance at CANECSA exams and seminars in selected African countries (economy class) and attendance of one short course per year in any of the CANECSA countries;
  • CANECSA administrative expenses

CANECSA shall be responsible for the selection of Candidates, who must:

  • Demonstrate the potential to rise to positions of leadership and influence. They will need to show that they possess the personal, intellectual and interpersonal attributes reflecting this potential;
  • Meet the minimum English language requirements for admission to CANECSA Fellowship training;
  • Be domiciled in one of the CANECSA countries at the time of applying for the award and intend to work in their home country at the end of the scholarship;
  • Have completed an MMed program or MCA qualification or the equivalent;
  • Sign a grant agreement with Smile Train outlining the conditions of the grant.
  • Acknowledge the support of SmileTrain through the Smile Train-CANECSA Scholarship

Click Here to fill online Scholarship Application Form