Fellowship Examination

For the purpose of joining, registration and in general, unless and until otherwise lawfully determined, the number of Fellows of the College of Anaesthesiologists shall be unlimited

The College of Anaesthesiologists shall comprise the following classes of Fellows: ­

  • Foundation Fellows: These shall be persons who were admitted as Fellows of the College of Anaesthesiologists on its inauguration and who possess qualifications entitling them to be registered in their field of practice of anaesthesia, as per Article 4 above.
  • Fellows: They shall be Medical Practitioners who have satisfactorily completed their Higher Anaesthesia Training and have passed the prescribed examinations in anesthesia and related specialties of CANECSA, or have been awarded a Fellowship without examination, having satisfied the Council of the College that they possess qualifications entitling them to be Fellows of the College.
  • Honorary Fellows: They shall be professionals of high distinction in the Medical and Surgical Professions and such other eminent persons, whether or not members of the Medical and Dental profession, as the Council of CANECSA may, in its absolute discretion, decide to honour. They shall not be entitled to vote at meetings or to hold office in the College. They shall not be required to pay entrance fees or subscriptions.