
The College of Anaesthesiologists shall comprise the following categories of Members

1. Members

Medical practitioners engaged in the practice of Anaesthesia or its ancillaries, or retired therefrom and who have obtained a postgraduate degree of one of the recognized Universities of East, Central and Southern Africa or the College Membership Examination (MCS-ECSA) or a higher qualification in Anaesthesia or its ancillaries which is acceptable to the Council shall be eligible for membership.

2. Associate Members

Medical practitioners who shall either have commenced their post- graduate training in Anaesthesia, or allied professions who have made such a contribution to the practice of Anaesthesia as the Council of the College deems acceptable shall be eligible. Candidates for admission as Associate Members shall be proposed and seconded by Fellows in writing on the prescribed forms and accompanied by supporting letters from the proposer and seconder. Election of Associate Members shall be carried out by the Council of the College.

3. Promotion from Associate Membership to Membership

On completion of their Anaesthesia training and acquiring their Postgraduate Anaesthesia Qualification, Associate Members, upon application, may be promoted to Membership, if the Council deems fit, after one year of practice as a qualified Anaesthesiologist.

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