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CANECSA is now accepting abstracts for oral and poster presentations for the 2nd CANECSA Annual Scientific Conference. Authors are encouraged to submit abstracts that aligns with the below conference theme.
THEME: Strengthening Anaesthesia Education, Workforce and Well-being in Africa
Please click on Submit Abstract Button to create an account, then proceed with abstract submission
Abstract submission deadline is 15th October, 2024
Rules and Regulations
- Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the presenting author to present their work if the abstract is accepted.
- You do not have to be CANECSA member to submit an abstract. However, if your abstract is accepted for presentation, the presenting author MUST make sure he/she registers to participate in the conference and pay conference registration fees according to the membership category.
- Abstracts submitted and accepted for the CANECSA Scientific Conference may not be presented at any other meeting.
- Word count for abstract text must be 400 or less.
- Authors submitting abstracts are responsible for ensuring that all authors listed on the abstract have been notified of the submission.
- Each abstract will be blind reviewed by the identified team of Reviews, and decisions to accept or reject abstracts rest with the Reviewers.
- Schedule for conference presentation will be determined by Technical Committee.