The CANECSA Alliance

A number of organisations have joined together to form the CANECSA Alliance.  The organisations involved are CANECSA, the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA)the College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland (CAI)the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA)the Association of AnaesthetistsOslo University Hospital (OUH) and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Institute of Global Surgery (RCSI). Our aim is to work collaboratively to support the establishment of CANECSA which will allow anaesthesiology education, training, standards, research and practice in anaesthesia in the region to be centrally coordinated. In particular, our focus is to

  • Build Anaesthetic capacity, leadership and influence
  • Strengthen Anaesthetic practice, systems, policy development, knowledge and research
  • Develop an agreed anaesthetic curricula that is recognised by the relevant authorities in each constituent country
  • Assess and accredit training sites in each constituent country
  • Set standards for the delivery of anaesthetic education, training, assessments and continuing professional development
  • Increase and develop the physician anaesthetic workforce within the region
  • Advocate for greater investment in health as an important driver in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and unmet needs highlighted in the Lancet Commission Report
  • Promote health and health security as a fundamental human right and a prerequisite for economic and social development
  • Develop and implement effective strategies to highlight the relationship between health and the environment; raise awareness of the global health impacts of climate change and promote sustainable development
  • Seek financial support for the establishment of CANECSA, and supporting its financial sustainability in the long term
  • Increase and develop the physician anaesthetic workforce within the region
  • Advocate for greater investment in health as an important driver in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and unmet needs highlighted in the Lancet Commission Report
  • Promote health and health security as a fundamental human right and a prerequisite for economic and social development
  • Develop and implement effective strategies to highlight the relationship between health and the environment; raise awareness of the global health impacts of climate change and promote sustainable development
  • Seek financial support for the establishment of CANECSA, and supporting its financial sustainability in the long term